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Enabling Collaborative Modeling Through A Web Library of DEVS Models

Hamza Qassoud, Bruno St Aubin,Gabriel Wainer,Cristina Ruiz-Martin

Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference(2022)

Cited 0|Views9
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Conducting accurate simulation experiments is complex and time-consuming, and collaboration between domain-specific experts is crucial. Collaborative modeling can help to build and maintain a shared understanding of the problem space and the potential solution. Here we introduce a framework that enables collaborative modeling between technical and non-technical experts. This is achieved through a web application that provides a continuous integration system to modelers where they can share, collaborate, comment, organize, and revise their experiments. This is intended to simplify the simulation and modeling process due to the complex nature of the problem and the lack of compatibility between models and modeling tools. The web-based platform supports users in the development of domain-specific models, providing a straightforward way to simulate the models and analytical capabilities for comprehensive decision-making.
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Collaborative Modeling,Model Integration,Model Library,DEVS.
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