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Mind the Labels: Describing Relations in Knowledge Graphs With Pretrained Models


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Pretrained language models (PLMs) for data-to-text (D2T) generation can use human-readable data labels such as column headings, keys, or relation names to generalize to out-of-domain examples. However, the models are well-known in producing semantically inaccurate outputs if these labels are ambiguous or incomplete, which is often the case in D2T datasets. In this paper, we expose this issue on the task of descibing a relation between two entities. For our experiments, we collect a novel dataset for verbalizing a diverse set of 1,522 unique relations from three large-scale knowledge graphs (Wikidata, DBPedia, YAGO). We find that although PLMs for D2T generation expectedly fail on unclear cases, models trained with a large variety of relation labels are surprisingly robust in verbalizing novel, unseen relations. We argue that using data with a diverse set of clear and meaningful labels is key to training D2T generation systems capable of generalizing to novel domains.
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knowledge graphs,relations,models,labels
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