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Vine copula based knockoff generation for high-dimensional controlled variable selection

arXiv (Cornell University)(2022)

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Vine copulas are a flexible tool for high-dimensional dependence modeling. In this article, we discuss the generation of approximate model-X knockoffs with vine copulas. It is shown how Gaussian knockoffs can be generalized to Gaussian copula knockoffs. A convenient way to parametrize Gaussian copulas are partial correlation vines. We discuss how completion problems for partial correlation vines are related to Gaussian knockoffs. A natural generalization of partial correlation vines are vine copulas which are well suited for the generation of approximate model-X knockoffs. We discuss a specific D-vine structure which is advantageous to obtain vine copula knockoff models. In a simulation study, we demonstrate that vine copula knockoff models are effective and powerful for high-dimensional controlled variable selection.
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Key words
knockoff generation,selection,high-dimensional
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