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A Compact SIW K-/Ka-Band Diplexer with Integrated Reactive Power Divider

Intelligent Memory Systems(2021)

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A compact 20/30 GHz diplexer based on substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) cavities and grounded coplanar waveguide (GCPW) feed lines is proposed. It features additional in-phase reactive power splitting in both passbands by exploiting symmetries. The component is realized in a vertically cascaded configuration using multilayer printed circuit board (PCB) technology, achieving a footprint of only 6×8 mm 2 . The compactness of the diplexer enables utilization in highly integrated applications such as shared aperture transmit/receive (Tx/Rx) phased arrays.
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Diplexer,filter,integration,multilayer,power divider,phased array,reactive,resonator,SIW
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