Pandemic Disease Detection Through Wireless Communication Using Infrared Image Based on Deep Learning
Mathematical biosciences and engineering(2022)
Rapid diagnosis to test diseases, such as COVID-19, is a significant issue. It is a routine virus test in a reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. However, a test like this takes longer to complete because it follows the serial testing method, and there is a high chance of a false-negative ratio (FNR). Moreover, there arises a deficiency of R.T.-PCR test kits. Therefore, alternative procedures for a quick and accurate diagnosis of patients are urgently needed to deal with these pandemics. The infrared image is self-sufficient for detecting these diseases by measuring the temperature at the initial stage. C.T. scans and other pathological tests are valuable aspects of evaluating a patient with a suspected pandemic infection. However, a patient's radiological findings may not be identified initially. Therefore, we have included an Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) algorithm-based Machine Intelligence (MI) system in this proposal to combine C.T. scan findings with all other tests, symptoms, and history to quickly diagnose a patient with a positive symptom of current and future pandemic diseases. Initially, the system will collect information by an infrared camera of the patient's facial regions to measure temperature, keep it as a record, and complete further actions. We divided the face into eight classes and twelve regions for temperature measurement. A database named patient-info-mask is maintained. While collecting sample data, we incorporate a wireless network using a cloudlets server to make processing more accessible with minimal infrastructure. The system will use deep learning approaches. We propose convolution neural networks (CNN) to cross-verify the collected data. For better results, we incorporated tenfold cross-verification into the synthesis method. As a result, our new way of estimating became more accurate and efficient. We achieved 3.29% greater accuracy by incorporating the "decision tree level synthesis method" and "ten-folded-validation method". It proves the robustness of our proposed method.
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machine intelligence,convolution neural networks,infrared image,ten-folded-validation method,deep learning
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