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Identifying Coordination in a Cognitive Radar Network -- A Multi-Objective Inverse Reinforcement Learning Approach


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Consider a target being tracked by a cognitive radar network. If the target can intercept some radar network emissions, how can it detect coordination among the radars? By 'coordination' we mean that the radar emissions satisfy Pareto optimality with respect to multi-objective optimization over each radar's utility. This paper provides a novel multi-objective inverse reinforcement learning approach which allows for both detection of such Pareto optimal ('coordinating') behavior and subsequent reconstruction of each radar's utility function, given a finite dataset of radar network emissions. The method for accomplishing this is derived from the micro-economic setting of Revealed Preferences, and also applies to more general problems of inverse detection and learning of multi-objective optimizing systems.
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Cognitive Radar,Multi-Objective Inverse Reinforcement Learning,Revealed Preferences
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