Targeting the WT1mut-Mir-193a Transcriptional Axis with INT-1B3, a Novel Lipid Nanoparticle-Formulated Mir-193a-3p Mimic in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Xining Yang,Kathrin Krowiorz,Raj Bhayadia,Jessica Kohlschmidt,Deedra Nicolet,Tobias Maetzig,Caroline Pabst,Jeremy Hui, Arshia Shad, Sharon Gao,Maria Stephenson,Si Wei Wu,Marion van den Bosch,Daelynn Buelow,Sharyn Baker,Leo Escano,Frances E. Lock,Afsaneh Panahi,Liam MacPhee,Irina Maksakova,Amanda Amoah,Konstanze Doehner,Linda Fogelstrand,Ann-Kathrin Eisfeld,Sanaz Yahyanejad,Michel Janicot,Christopher C. Oakes,Jan-Henning Klusmann,Arefeh Rouhi,Florian Kuchenbauer Blood(2022)
Key words
AML,Acute Myeloid Leukemia
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