
Data Supporting the Roles of BAP1, STING, and IFN-β in ISGF3 Activation in Ccrcc

Data in brief(2022)

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The data presented in this article are companion materials to our manuscript titled "BAP1 maintains HIF-dependent interferon beta induction to suppress tumor growth in clear cell renal cell carcinoma" (Langbein et al., 2022), where we investigated the downstream effects of BAP1 (BRCA1-associated protein 1) expression in clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) cell lines and mouse xenograft models. In the manuscript, we showed that BAP1 upregulates STING (stimulator of interferon genes) expression and activity in ccRCC cells, leading to IFN-β transcription and activation of interferon stimulated gene factor 3 (ISGF3), the transcription factor that mediates the effects of type I interferons (IFNs). Here, we suppressed additional components of the type I IFN pathway, including IRF9 (a component of ISGF3), IFNAR1 (the type I IFN receptor), and STING (a stimulator of IFN production) by shRNA to investigate their involvement in BAP1-mediated upregulation of ISGF3 activity. We also inhibited extracellular IFN-β via neutralizing antibody treatment in BAP1-expressing cells to ascertain the role of the secreted cytokine in this pathway. ISGF3 activity was assessed by western blot analysis and qPCR measurement of its transcriptional targets. To examine the relevance of our observations in another model system, we characterized primary kidney cells from WT and Bap1 fl/fl mice by cytokeratin 8 immunohistochemistry and examined the effect of Bap1 knockout on Sting protein expression. Finally, we treated mice bearing BAP1 knockdown xenografted tumors with diABZI, a STING agonist, and measured immune cell recruitment via CD45 immunohistochemistry. These data can serve as a starting point for further investigation on the roles of BAP1 and other tumor suppressor genes in interferon pathway regulation.
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