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Fault Diagnosis of Power Transformer Based on SSA—MDS Pretreatment

IEEE access(2022)

Cited 2|Views5
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Aiming at the problems of coupling between transformer input characteristics and low accuracy of transformer fault diagnosis, SSA-MDS and other soft technologies are used to analyze the key characteristics of transformer faults, so as to improve the accuracy of transformer fault diagnosis. The SSA algorithm cascade MDS algorithm to process the DGA data is proposed. Subsequently, the TSSA-RF model is introduced to classify the DGA data. The DGA data is first mapped to a high-dimensional space. Next, the optimal feature subset is encoded using the SSA algorithm to reduce irrelevant and redundant features. In this study, the correlation between the optimal feature dimension and the transformer fault diagnosis accuracy is investigated. the expression of the optimal feature subset is obtained by decompiling the SSA operator. The pre-processed data are classified using the RF model, and the TSSA -RF model for classifying the DGA data is found with the highest accuracy through the comparison of different optimization algorithms. After the RF model is optimized using the TSSA algorithm, its accuracy increases by 7.89%, and the accuracy of the TSSA -RF model is obtained as 92.11%. The example results show that compared with the original data, the proposed data processing algorithm improves the diagnostic accuracy of transformer by 11.97 % in the RF model. Compared with multiple preprocessing methods, SSA-MDS has the highest accuracy. Compared with the original data, the accuracy of TSSA-RF model increases by 11.64 %.
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Key words
Power transformer,fault diagnosis,RF~model,TSSA algorithm,feature extraction
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