
Molecular Dynamics-Based Insight of VEGFR-2 Kinase Domain: a Combined Study of Pharmacophore Modeling and Molecular Docking and Dynamics.

Journal of molecular modeling(2022)

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BACKGROUND:Inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR-2) tyrosine kinase by small molecules has become a promising target in the treatment of cancer.OBJECTIVE:In this study, we approached pharmacophore modeling coupled with a structure-based virtual screening workflow to identify the potent inhibitors.METHODS:The top selected hit compounds have been rescored using the MM/GBSA approach. To understand the molecular reactivity, electronic properties, and stability of those inhibitors, we have employed density functional theory and molecular dynamics. Following that, the best 21 hit compounds have been further post-processed with a Quantum ligand partial charge-based rescoring process and further validated by implementing molecular dynamics simulation.RESULTS:The ten hit compounds have been hypothesized and considered as potent inhibitors of VEGFR-2 tyrosine kinase. This study also signifies the contribution of QM-based ligand partial charge, which is more accurate in predicting reliable free binding energy and filtering large ligand libraries to hit optimization, rather than assigning those of the force field-based method. From the binding pattern analysis of all the complexes, amino acids, such as Glu885, Cys919, Cys1045, Thr916, Thr919, and Asp1046, were found to have comprehensive interaction with the hit compounds.CONCLUSION:Hence, this could prove to be useful as a potential inhibition site of the VEGFR-2 tyrosine kinase domain for future researchers. Moreover, this study also emphasizes the conformational changes upon ATP binding, based on either the receptor's rigidity or flexibility.
VEGFR-2,Pharmacophore modeling,QM/MM,Molecular dynamics simulation,DFT
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