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A Non-Idealities Aware SoftwareHardware Co-Design Framework for Edge-AI Deep Neural Network Implemented on Memristive Crossbar

IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems(2022)

Cited 4|Views47
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In this work, a non-idealities aware software-hardware co-design framework for deep neural network (DNN) implemented on memristive crossbar is presented. The device level non-ideal factors such as device conductance variation, nonuniform quantization levels, device-to-device variation and programming failure probability are included in the model. At array level, the impact of line resistance and sneak path are considered using a new fast and accurate line resistance estimation model. The non-linearity and offset of the peripheral circuits are also considered. By incorporating these factors into a unified DNN training process, the neural network performance can be evaluated holistically. Furthermore, the proposed training process can effectively mitigate the impact of these non-idealities and reduce the inference accuracy degradations. Implemented in a hybrid fashion of Python and PyTorch, the proposed framework is evaluated with a simplified 5-layer VGG network implemented on measured 128 x 128 RRAM array with 3-level weight resolution. For CIFAR-10 tasks, 83% inference accuracy is achieved with less than 3% accuracy drop compared to the ideal model.
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Key words
Memristors,Training,Integrated circuit modeling,Programming,Kernel,Computational modeling,Artificial neural networks,Memristor,memristor crossbar,deep neural network,neuromorphic system
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