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Research onaccuracy evaluation method of "curved surface continuation" for aeromagnetic mapping data


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In order to evaluate the accuracy of aeromagnetic mapping data, we usually evaluate the total accuracy of the aeromagnetic measurements based on the evaluation method after completing the fine leveling process. However, fine leveling or repeated leveling can make the mapping data highly accurate, thus not reflecting the actual situation. For this problem, this paper proposes an aeromagnetic mapping accuracy evaluation method based on the potential field surface continuation. The method is to extend the measuring line aeromagnetic data to the cutting line survey points (or intersection points) by a non-regular network extension algorithm after each correction and before fine leveling, and then calculate the root-mean-square deviation of the two for accuracy evaluation. This method does not require fine leveling and can avoid multiple leveling, does not need to discard any measuring points and overcomes the problem of inconsistent position coordinates of the measuring points. Therefore, the accuracy of aeromagnetic mapping data can be evaluated more objectively. This method is also used as a new method to evaluate the accuracy of aeromagnetic data. Through model testing and actual data processing, the correctness and practicability of the method are verified.
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Key words
Airborne magnetic measurement,Accuracy evaluation,The accuracy of aeromagnetic mapping data,Curved surface continuation
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