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Web 3.0: Developments and Directions of the Future Internet Architecture?


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As a promising emerging technology, Web3.0 has become the focus of more and more manufacturers and researchers. Web3.0 is an integration of network readability, writability, and authenticity. It is not only a new Internet architecture that integrates multiple rising technologies based on decentralization, but also an Internet infrastructure owned and trusted by each individual users. It reshapes the relationship between users and applications, by storing data on the network, rather than on specific servers owned by large service providers, which means that anyone can use this data without creating access credentials or obtaining permission from those monopolistic providers. This vision paper will first review the way the current network services work, then introduce some key technologies closely related to Web3.0, and finally point out the future research directions and potential opportunities, which are expected to give researchers a better understanding of Web3.0.
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future internet architecture,web,developments
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