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Lesson Analysis and Plan Template: Scaffolding Preservice Teachers’ Application of Professional Knowledge to Lesson Planning

Journal of curriculum studies(2023)

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Teacher education programmes need to provide opportunities that support the integration of theory with practice. To date, there is little research on how to help preservice teachers apply professional knowledge to an important aspect of practice: lesson planning. The present research developed an educational approach to lesson planning by drawing on research on professional vision and analysis of teaching. The approach shows what kinds of connections may be established between professional knowledge and lesson planning decisions. These connections require reasoning about possible learning effects of instruction according to principles of teaching and learning. To help preservice teachers make connections, a scaffolded progression was created using research on lesson planning, case methods and pedagogies of practice. This progression suggests providing preservice teachers with opportunities for the gradual application of professional knowledge to iterative cycles of lesson plan analysis and lesson planning. A tool for the implementation of this approach, the Lesson Analysis and Plan template, was designed through a research-practice partnership in a teacher preparation programme. Advice to future implementers of the template is discussed based on field experience.
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Lesson plans,decision-making,theory-practice relationship,preservice teacher education
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