
In-silico Prediction of Highly Promising Natural Fungicides Against the Destructive Blast Fungus Magnaporthe Oryzae


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Magnaporthe oryzae causes destructive blast disease in more than 50 species of the major cereal crops rice, wheat and maize and destroys food of millions of people worldwide. Application of synthetic chemical fungicides are environmentally hazardous and unreliable in controlling M. oryzae. Conversely, naturally occurring biofungicides with multiple modes of actions are needed to be discovered for combatting the blast fungus. To find the effective biofungicides, we performed molecular docking study of some potential antifungal natural compounds targeting two proteins including a single-stranded DNA binding protein MoSub1 (4AGH), and an effector protein AVR-Pik (5E9G) of M. oryzae that regulates transcription in fungus and/or suppresses the host cell immunity. The thirty-nine natural compounds previously shown to inhibit M. oryzae growth and reproduction were put under molecular docking against these two proteins followed by simulation, free energy, and interaction analysis of protein-ligand complexes. The virtual screening revealed that two alkaloidal metabolites, camptothecin and GKK1032A2 showed excellent binding energy with any of these target proteins compared to reference commercial fungicides, azoxystrobin and strobilurin. Of the detected compounds, GKK1032A2 bound to both target proteins of M. oryzae. Both compounds showed excellent bioactivity scores as compared to the reference fungicides. Results of our computational biological study suggest that both camptothecin and GKK1032A2 are potential fungicides that could also be considered as lead compounds to design novel fungicides against the blast fungus. Furthermore, the GKK1032A2 acted as a multi-site mode of action fungicide against M. oryzae.
Molecular docking,Antifungal metabolites,ssDNA,Protein,Magnaporthe oryzae
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