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Use of Digital Methods to Optimize Visualization During Surgical Gonioscopy

Journal of clinical medicine(2023)

Cited 0|Views7
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Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of digital visualization for enhancing the visualization of iridocorneal structures during surgical gonioscopy. Methods: This was a prospective, single-center study on a series of 26 cases of trabecular stent implantation performed by the same surgeon. Images were recorded during surgical gonioscopy, and before stent implantation, with standard colors and with the optimization of various settings, principally color saturation and temperature and the use of the cyan color filter. Subjective analyses were performed by two glaucoma surgeons, and objective contrast measurements were made on iridocorneal structure images. Results: The surgeons evaluating the images considered the optimized digital settings to produce enhanced tissue visibility for both trabecular meshwork pigmentation and Schlemm’s canal in more than 65% of cases. The mean difference in the standard deviation of the pixel intensity values was 37.87 (±4.61) for the optimized filter images and 32.37 (±3.51) for the standard-color images (p < 0.001). The use of a cyan filter provided a good level of contrast for the visualization of trabecular meshwork pigmentation. Increasing the color temperature highlighted the red appearance of Schlemm’s canal. Conclusions: We report here the utility of optimized digital settings including the cyan filter and a warmer color for enhancing the visualization of iridocorneal structures during surgical gonioscopy. These settings could be used in surgical practice to enhance the visualization of the trabecular meshwork and Schlemm’s canal during minimally invasive glaucoma surgery.
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Key words
surgical gonioscopy,heads-up three-dimensional (3D) digital visualization system,color filter,color temperature,color saturation,contrast,visualization,stent implantation,trabecular meshwork,Schlemm's canal
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