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Biomass, photosynthetic activity, and biomolecule composition in Chlorella fusca (Chlorophyta) cultured in a raceway pond operated under greenhouse conditions.

Journal of biotechnology(2023)

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Raceways are widely used as microalgae culture systems due to their low cost, but they are not the best option for biomass yield. Understanding in situ photosynthetic performance can be a first step to increase their biomass productivity. This study aimed at comparing the real time photosynthetic activity in a greenhouse raceway culture (250 L) with discrete measurements under laboratory conditions. We evaluated the photophysiology and biochemical composition of Chlorella fusca culture up to 120 h. In situ photosynthetic activity was continuously monitored and compared to discrete ex situ measurements; biochemical compounds were measured daily. The results showed a final biomass density of 0.45 g L (5 days - 120 h) and an increase of the electron transport rate (ETR) up to 48 h but decreased thereafter. When the relative ETR was estimated considering the absorption coefficient (a) positive correlations of this parameter with photosynthetic capacity, cell density, biomass, biocompounds and antioxidant activity were obtained, whereas no correlation was detected without considering a. In situ photosynthesis monitoring showed higher absolute maximal ETR (10 - 160 μmol ms) than discrete ex situ measurements. We demonstrated the importance of considering the light absorption coefficient for expressing photosynthetic capacity and showed that C. fusca can produce, in the short-term, bioactive compounds that are correlated to photosynthetic conditions.
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Key words
Bioactive compounds,Large scale,Microalgae,Photosynthesis
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