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Adaptive Spatial Complex Fuzzy Inference Systems with Complex Fuzzy Measures.

IEEE access(2023)

Cited 1|Views18
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Fuzzy inference systems, in general, and complex fuzzy inference systems, in particular, play an increasingly important role in many fields, such as change detection, image classification, recognition problems, etc. Despite being the well-known technique to solve with time series data, the rulebase still has the considered limitation because of the directly affecting the results as well as the processing time of these methods. To overcome this limitation, this study proposes an Adaptive spatial complex inference system that can automatically infer and adapt to the new remotely sensed image. In the proposed model, to predict the image of time t + 1, the system will generate a new rulebase according to this expected image. This new rulebase and the previous Co-Spatial-CFIS+ rulebase are evaluated using a complex fuzzy measure. This measure is built by determining the intersection domain between two rule spaces; this intersection value estimates removing, merging, or adding a newly generated rule into the current rulebase. Finally, a more suitable set of rules is obtained for image prediction. To illustrate the efficiency of the proposed approach, it is applied to the remote sensing cloud image data of the U.S. Navy. Our model evaluated the model’s effectiveness in comparison to the state-of-the-art along studies in detecting changes in remote sensing cloud images. Moreover, the findings of the experiments revealed that the proposed model could improve the change detection results in terms of $R^{2}$ , RMSE, time-consuming, and the number of rules.
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Fuzzy logic,Adaptation models,Remote sensing,Adaptive systems,Time series analysis,Predictive models,Fuzzy sets,Complex fuzzy inference system,remote sensing images,rule pruning,rule-based system,image change detection
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