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MECH: Multi-Entry Communication Highway for Superconducting Quantum Chiplets

Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Volume 2(2023)

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Chiplet architecture is an emerging architecture for quantum computing that could significantly increase qubit resources with its great scalability and modularity. However, as the computing scale increases, communication between qubits would become a more severe bottleneck due to the long routing distances. In this paper, we propose a multi-entry communication highway (MECH) mechanism to trade ancillary qubits for program concurrency, and build a compilation framework to efficiently manage and utilize the highway resources. Our evaluation shows that this framework significantly outperforms the baseline approach in both the circuit depth and the number of operations on typical quantum benchmarks. This implies a more efficient and less error-prone compilation of quantum programs.
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quantum computing,chiplets
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