
Assessment of Large-Scale Indices of Surface Temperature During the Historical Period in the CMIP6 Ensemble

Journal of climate(2023)

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We develop a statistical method to assess CMIP6 simulations of large-scale surface temperature change during the historical period (1850-2014), considering all time scales, allowing for the different unforced variability of each model and the observations, observational uncertainty, and variable ensemble size. The generality of this method, and the fact that it incorporates information about the unforced variability, makes it a useful model assessment tool. We apply this method to the historical simulations of the CMIP6 multimodel ensemble. We use three indices that measure different as-pects of large-scale surface air temperature change: global mean, hemispheric gradient, and a recently developed index that captures the sea surface temperature (SST) pattern in the tropics (SST"; see Fueglistaler and Silvers). We use the following observations: HadCRUT5 for the first two indices, and AMIPII and ERSSTv5 for SST". In each case, we test the hypothesis that the model's forced response is compatible with the observations, accounting for unforced variability in both models and observations as well as measurement uncertainty. This hypothesis is accepted more often (75% of the models) for the hemispheric gradient than for the global mean, for which half of the models fail the test. The tropical SST pattern is poorly simulated in all models. Given that the tropical SST pattern can strongly modulate the relationship be-tween energy imbalance and global-mean surface temperature anomalies on annual to decadal time scales (short-term feedback parameter), we suggest this should be a focus area for future improvements due to its potential implications for the global-mean temperature evolution in decadal time scales.
Climate change,Climate variability,Statistical techniques,Climate models,Diagnostics,Model evaluation,performance
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