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Land Sustainability Evaluation Using Remote Sensing Techniques with Google Earth Engine

2023 IX International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT)(2023)

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Agricultural sustainability is essential in the moderate Republic of Tatarstan region to improve land agriculture production and preserve natural resources, which must adapt to the increasing population with the expansion of newly reclaimed land. The purpose of this study is to assess agricultural sustainability conditions and possibilities by assimilating economic viability and biophysical viability into a sustainable agricultural structure. In determining the suitability classes, topographic features such as slope, aspect, and elevation, as well as soil texture, pH, and soil depth, were applied as criteria. Weighted overlay analysis was applied to merge various thematic layers to find suitable areas for crop production. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) model is used to determine the weights for all features. The highest weights were acquired for elevation (0.201) and soil (0.223), and the lowest weights were calculated for aspect (0.045). The findings showed that assimilating the AHP method with GIS technology is a practical way to accurately analyze the suitability of land for the production of a particular crop and reduce the harmful environmental effects of farming methods. This research finding has implications for developing a management plan for sustainable agriculture, which will increase crop productivity in a sustainable way. It can assist in maintaining the ecosystem to enhance the potential for agricultural production and independent village economies throughout the district as well as the Tatarstan region.
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The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP),GIS,sustainable agriculture,ecosystem
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