
Recent Improvements in the SMAP Level-4 Soil Moisture Product


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<p>The NASA Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission Level-4 Soil Moisture (L4_SM) product provides global, 9-km resolution, 3-hourly surface (0-5 cm) and root-zone (0-100 cm) soil moisture from April 2015 to present with a mean latency of 2.5 days from the time of observation.&#160; The product is based on the assimilation of SMAP L-band (1.4 GHz) brightness temperature (Tb) observations into the NASA Catchment land surface model as the model is driven with observations-based precipitation forcing.&#160;</p> <p>In this presentation, we describe three recent improvements in the L4_SM algorithm.&#160; First, satellite- and gauge-based precipitation from the NASA Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for the Global Precipitation Measurement mission (IMERG) are used in two ways: (i) The climatology to which all L4_SM precipitation forcing inputs are rescaled is based on IMERG-Final (Version 06B) data, replacing the Global Precipitation Climatology Project v2.2 data used in previous L4_SM versions, and (ii) the precipitation forcing outside of North America and the high latitudes is corrected to match the daily totals from IMERG, replacing the gauge-only, daily product or uncorrected weather analysis precipitation used there in earlier L4_SM versions.&#160; Second, the Catchment model now includes the recently developed PEATCLSM hydrology module for peatlands and uses an updated global map of peatlands.&#160; Third, revised parameters are used in the L-band radiative transfer model that converts the simulated soil moisture and temperature estimates into Tb predictions for use in the radiance-based L4_SM analysis.&#160; Specifically, climatological parameters for the scattering albedo, soil roughness, and (seasonally-varying) vegetation opacity were derived from the SMAP Level-2 radiometer soil moisture retrieval product.&#160; &#160;</p> <p>The revised precipitation inputs result in considerably improved anomaly time series correlation skill of L4_SM surface soil moisture in South America, Africa, Australia, and parts of East Asia.&#160; Particularly large improvements are seen in central Australia and Myanmar, where the quality of the gauge-only precipitation product used in earlier L4_SM versions was particularly poor. &#160;In peatlands, the dynamics of water table depth, surface soil moisture and evapotranspiration are considerably improved when evaluated against in situ measurements.&#160; Moreover, the time series correlation of surface and root-zone soil moisture vs. in situ measurements is slightly improved, owing to the improved annual cycle phasing of the Level-2 derived vegetation opacity parameters.&#160; Collectively, these improvements are also manifested in smaller Tb observation-minus-forecast residuals.</p>
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