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Social Acceptance and Perceptions of Energy Transition Technologies in Brazil

Energy Transition in Brazil The Latin American Studies Book Series(2023)

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This work aims to analyse the social acceptance and perceptions of wind energy, solar energy, and carbon capture and storage associated or not with bioenergy in Brazil, technologies that can contribute to the energy transition. To investigate social acceptance, we present a bibliographic review of the case studies investigating acceptance of the cited technologies carried out in the country. The result showed that the Brazilian studies analyse different aspects of acceptance, including environmental, social, and economic impacts of the technologies and communication with the community. Furthermore, territory-related issues have proven to be very relevant in Brazil, emphasising the lack of land regularisation in the regions. Another interesting finding was that only carbon, capture and storage studies investigated the relation between climate change perception and technology acceptance, although this aspect could be relevant to all transition technologies. Finally, gaps in the literature and paths for further research on the subject were indicated, including case studies about carbon capture and storage associated with bioenergy, research on existing projects of solar photovoltaic, and social acceptance studies involving different stakeholders such as representatives of non-governmental organisations, investors, public authorities, and the media.
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Key words
Energy transition,Social acceptance,Conflicts,Wind power,Solar power,Carbon capture and storage,Brazil
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