
On Morphological and Functional Complexity of Proteinoid Microspheres


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Proteinoids are solidified gels made from poly(amino acids) based polymers that exhibit oscillatory electrical activity. It has been proposed that proteinoids are capable of performing analog computing as their electrical activity can be converted into a series of Boolean gates. The current article focuses on decrypting the morphological and functional complexity of the ensembles of proteinoid microspheres prepared in the laboratory. We identify two different protocols (one with and one without SEM) to prepare and visualize proteinoid microspheres. To quantify the complexity of proteinoid ensembles, we measure nine complexity metrics (to name a few: average degrees Deg_av, maximum number of independent cycles u, average connections per node Conn_av, resistance res_eff, percolation threshold perc_t) which shine light on the morphological, functional complexity of the proteinoids, and the information transmission that happens across the undirected graph abstraction of the proteinoid microspheres ensembles. We identify the complexity metrics that can distinguish two different protocols of preparation and also the most dense, complex, and less power consuming proteinoid network among all tested. With this work, we hope to provide a complexity toolkit for hardware designers of analog computers to design their systems with the right set of complexity ingredients guided one-to-one by the protocol chosen at the first place. On a more fundamental note, this study also sets forth the need to treat gels, microspheres, and fluidic systems as fundamentally information-theoretic in nature, rather than continuum mechanical, a perspective emerging out from recent program by Tao to treat fluids as potentially Turing-complete and thus, programmable.
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