
Combined Intranasal Insulin/Saxagliptin/Metformin Therapies Ameliorates the Effect of Combined Oral Contraceptives (Cos)-Induced Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) with a Major Target on Glucose Metabolism in Adult Female Wistar Rats: A Recent Study

Book Publisher International (a part of SCIENCEDOMAIN International)(2022)

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The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of the chronic use of combined oral contraceptives (COC; Ethinyl estradiol and Levonorgestrel) on the indices of metabolic syndrome in adult female wistar rats; and possible therapeutic management. In this study, 64 female wistar rats received either distilled water, Norethindrone (NOR), COC, Intranasal insulin (INI), Metformin (MET), Saxagliptin (SAX), INI+MET and INI+SAX. The mice were divided into therapy groups after 8 weeks of COC exposure. Body weight fluctuations, fasting blood glucose (FBG) levels, insulin levels, inflammatory cytokines, glycated hemoglobin (Hb1Ac), and other indicators were measured. Treatment with INI+SAX and INI+MET, reduced significantly the levels of FBG and Hb1Ac, in addition the level of insulin was significantly increased in the INI+MET groups (p \(\leq\) 0.05). Serum lipid profile analysis revealed a statistically significant decline in HDL levels, which was considerably restored in the INI+SAX group. Reduced catalase activity observed in the COC group was reversed in the INI+MET group (p \(\leq\) 0.05). A non-significant increase in the level of TNF-\(\alpha\) as a result of COC treatment was reversed by INI and INI + MET treatment. The use of MET, SAX, and INI in conjunction has been demonstrated to reverse several MetS indices. A clinical phase is proposed in this investigation to support and confirm the preclinical findings.
insulin/saxagliptin/metformin therapies ameliorates,glucose metabolism,oral contraceptives,metabolic syndrome
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