
Effect of Holocene Sediment Redistributions on the Relative Sea Level at Present in the Ayeyarwady Delta (aka Irrawaddy Delta, Myanmar)


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Under high seasonal monsoon rainfall and active tectonics, the Ayeyarwady delta is a large delta plain characterized by a high sediment supply. Also, the Ayeyarwady river, together with the Sittaung, and the Salween Rivers are bringing ~600 Mt/yr of sediments to the Andaman Sea through the Gulf of Martaban. A recent research effort have allowed characterizing the sedimentation at present and since the mid-Holocene. We here propose to integrate these published observations in a stratigraphic reconstruction and to determine by numerical modelling how much these Holocene massive sediment transfers play on coastal subsidence and relative sea level at present.The present average sedimentation rate at the front of Ayeyarwady delta is ~10 cm/yr and the delta may be divided in two sectors: an eastern embayed sector and a western open coast sector. During the mid-Holocene, the aerial part of the delta have experimented fast progradation rate, reaching prograding rate of ~ 30 m/yr. When applying this sedimentation pattern on a preliminary (radial) viscoelastic Earth model, we show that sediment isostasy plays on the regional coastal dynamics and subsidence at present. In addition, the Ayeyarwady delta lies in a complex tectonic setting, bounded to the west by the Indo-Burman collision zone, and to the east by the sub-vertical dextral Sagaing Fault. We are integrating this tectonic setting in an earth model that allows lateral vertical discontinuity for exploring how much this significantly changes the modelling results.
Sea-Level Rise,Seafloor Spreading,Holocene Development
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