
Screening and Identification of the Botanical Attractant From a Chinese Tea for Aedes Albopictus Oviposition


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Abstract Background: The use of oviposition attractants is a promising approach to control populations of mosquito vectors at the source; however, the knowledge on oviposition stimulation in Aedes albopictus is very limited. In recent years, tea bags have been proven to attract Aedes aegypti to lay eggs, but the sources of tea are wide and varied; moreover, the factors and mechanisms in tea bags that attract mosquitoes remain unclear.Methods: The effects of three kinds of Chinese tea, nonfermented, fully fermented and postfermented, were comparatively evaluated for their ability to attract mosquito oviposition at dose of 5g/L, 1.5g/L and 0.5g/L, respectively. The attractants in the Liu-pao tea infusion were isolated with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS).Results: Among the three types of fermented teas, the Guangxi Liu-pao tea infusion was a successful oviposition attractant for Ae. albopictus at all the dose tested, and the average OAIs of 5 g/L Liu-pao tea soaked for 7 d and 14 d were 0.73 and 0.67, respectively. Further, in one month of soaking 0.5g/L Liu-Pao tea, the average oviposition activity indexes (OAIs) for Ae.aegypti of soaking for 21 d and 28 d were 0.89 and 0.63, respectively. Functional analyses showed that the compound cedrol at 1 mg/L tested for Ae. albopictus, the average OAI was 0.38.Conclusion: Liu-pao tea can effectively attract Ae. albopictus to lay eggs, and cedrol is one of the ingredients attracting Aedes mosquitoes to lay eggs. These results shed light on the development of Aedes mosquito oviposition attractants and will help to develop innovative monitoring and prevention strategies for Aedes-borne diseases.
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