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Dual identity of tumor-associated macrophage in regulated cell death and oncotherapy


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Tumor-associated macrophage (TAM) affects the intrinsic properties of tumor cells and the tumor microenvironment (TME), which can stimulate tumor cell proliferation, migration, and genetic instability, and macrophage diversity includes the diversity of tumors with different functional characteristics. Macrophages are now a central drug target in various diseases, especially in the TME, which, as "tumor promoters" and "immunosuppressors", have different responsibilities during tumor development and accompany by significant dynamic alterations in various subpopulations. Remodelling immunosuppression of TME and promotion of pre-existing antitumor immune responses is critical by altering TAM polarization, which is relevant to the efficacy of immunotherapy, and uncovering the exact mechanism of action of TAMs and identifying their specific targets is vital to optimizing current immunotherapies. Hence, this review aims to reveal the triadic interactions of macrophages with programmed death and oncotherapy, and to integrate certain relationships in cancer treatment.
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Tumor-associated macrophage (TAM),Tumor microenvironment (TME),Regulated cell death (RCD),Drug delivery,Cancer therapy
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