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Three-Dimensional Printable Open-Source Cleft Lip and Palate Impression Trays: A Single-Impression Workflow


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Documenting complex three-dimensional (3D) cleft lip and palate malformation with plaster casts based on maxillary impressions is standard care. Presurgical orthopedic treatment also requires an impression. Digital impression-taking in patients with cleft lip and palate is feasible, but procurement costs hinder clinical implementation. Individualized impression trays allow for a precise impression, limiting airway risk. The authors present an open-source impression tray library with scalable impression trays not requiring 3D modeling knowledge. The cleft lip and palate impression tray library is accessible on Open Science Framework. Different shapes are available, and the tray size is selected based on the tuber distance. This allows 3D printing with biocompatible material at the point of care complying with local regulations. The open-source cleft tray library presented offers a hybrid solution for cleft centers, pending the implementation of digital impression. Copyright (C) 2023 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons
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