
Contribution of Intramuscular Connective Tissue and Its Structural Components on Meat Tenderness-Revisited: a Review

Critical reviews in food science and nutrition(2023)

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The tenderness of meat influences consumers' perceptions of its quality. Meat tenderness is a key quality characteristic that influences consumer satisfaction, repeat purchases, and willingness to pay higher prices for meat. Muscle fibers, connective tissues, and adipocytes are the main structural components of meat that contribute to its tenderness and texture. In the present review, we have focused on the role of connective tissue and its components in meat tenderness, specifically perimysial intramuscular connective tissue (IMCT) and its concept as an immutable "background toughness." The collagen contribution to cooked meat toughness can be altered by animal diet, compensatory growth, slaughter age, aging, and cooking. As well, progressive thickening of the perimysium leads to a progressive increase in shear force values in beef, pork, chicken, and this may occur prior to adipocyte formation as cattle finish in feedlots. Conversely, adipocyte accumulation in the perimysium can decrease cooked meat shear force, suggesting that the contribution of IMCT to meat toughness is complex and driven by both collagen structure and content. This review provides a theoretical foundation of information to modify IMCT components to improve meat tenderness.
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