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Role of Peripheral Coordination Boron in Electrocatalytic Nitrogen Reduction over N-Doped Graphene-Supported Single-Atom Catalysts

Ruijie Ma, Xintong Weng,Linghui Lin,Jia Zhao,Fenfei Wei,Sen Lin

Molecules (Basel, Switzerland)(2023)

Cited 4|Views12
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In this work, we investigate the effect of peripheral B doping on the electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction reaction (NRR) performance of N-doped graphene-supported single-metal atoms using density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Our results showed that the peripheral coordination of B atoms could improve the stability of the single-atom catalysts (SACs) and weaken the binding of nitrogen to the central atom. Interestingly, it was found that there was a linear correlation between the change in the magnetic moment (& mu;) of single-metal atoms and the change in the limiting potential (U-L) of the optimum NRR pathway before and after B doping. It was also found that the introduction of the B atom suppressed the hydrogen evolution reaction, thereby enhancing the NRR selectivity of the SACs. This work provides useful insights into the design of efficient SACs for electrocatalytic NRR.
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Key words
N-doped graphene,electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction,single-atom catalysts,coordination environment,density functional theory
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