
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain in the Successive Pandemic Waves on Hemodialysis Patients and Healthcare Personnel.

Sebastian Mas-Fontao,Blanca Miranda-Serrano,David Hernán,Raúl López,Paula Manso,Fabiola Dapena,Mº Luz Sánchez-Tocino, Jose Guerrero,Mónica Pereira,Damián Carneiro, Adriana Iglesias, Lola Piña, Elena Guerrero, Marta San Juan, Cristina Ledesma, Alicia González,Araceli Rossignoli,Concepción Pereira, Marina Burgos, Ana Mª Sacristán,Emilio González-Parra,María Dolores Arenas

Journal of clinical medicine(2023)

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(1) Background: The impact of SARS-CoV-2 has been variable over the time course of the pandemic and in different populations. The aim was to analyze the impact of COVID-19 infection in a known population of hemodialysis (HD) patients and professionals in Spain at different times of the pandemic. (2) Methods: We conducted an observational, descriptive study with a follow-up from 3 March 2020 to 23 April 2022 (776 days), using in average of 414 professionals and 1381 patients from 18 HD units in Spain. The data from the positive PCR or the rapid antigen detection test (RADT) subject were analyzed and segmented into six periods (waves). (3) Results: Of 703 positive COVID-19 tests, 524 were HD patients (74.5%), and 179 were HD professionals (25.5%). Overall, 38% of staff and 43% of patients were affected. Differences were observed in regard to incidence (21% vs. 13%), mortality (3.5% vs. 0%), and symptomatology between the patients and professionals and throughout the pandemic. (4) Conclusions: COVID-19 severity varied during different pandemic waves, with a greater impact seen in the first wave. HD professionals and patients had similar infection rates, but patients had higher mortality rates. Community transmission was the primary route of infection.
chronic kidney disease,COVID-19,hemodialysis patients,healthcare personnel,mortality,symptoms
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