Dense outputs from quantum simulations
The quantum dense output problem is the process of evaluating time-accumulated observables from time-dependent quantum dynamics using quantum computers. This problem arises frequently in applications such as quantum control and spectroscopic computation. We present a range of algorithms designed to operate on both early and fully fault-tolerant quantum platforms. These methodologies draw upon techniques like amplitude estimation, Hamiltonian simulation, quantum linear Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) solvers, and quantum Carleman linearization. We provide a comprehensive complexity analysis with respect to the evolution time T and error tolerance e . Our results demonstrate that the linearization approach can nearly achieve optimal complexity O ( T / e ) for a certain type of low-rank dense outputs. Moreover, we provide a linearization of the dense output problem that yields an exact and finite-dimensional closure which encompasses the original states. This formulation is related to the Koopman Invariant Subspace theory and may be of independent interest in nonlinear control and scientific machine learning.
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