Develop AI Teaching and Learning Resources for Compulsory Education in China.
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence(2023)
Artificial intelligence course has been required to take for compulsory education students in China. However, not all teachers and schools are fully prepared and ready. This is partially because of the lack of adequate teaching and learning resources, which requires a major expenditure of time and effort for schools and teachers to design and develop. To meet the challenge of lacking appropriate resources in teaching and learning AI from grade 1 to grade 9, we developed AI knowledge structure and instructional resources based on Chinese national curriculum for information science and technology. Our comprehensive AI syllabus contains 90 core concepts, 63 learning indicators, and 27 teaching and learning resources, which have been implemented. The resources have been taken as model courses in teacher training programs and an exemplary course has been implemented in primary schools that verified the effectiveness of our resources.
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