
Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma with Hemangioblastoma-Like Features: A Case Report

Huan Lei, Ruixia Xie,Fang Peng

Archivos españoles de urología(2023)

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Background: Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) constitutes the most frequently encountered sporadic class of kidney cancer in adults. Recently, a rare form of clear cell kidney cancer known as ccRCC with hemangioblastoma-like features was proposed, with unique immunological characteristics and a good prognosis. The tumor expressed alpha-inhibin and carbonic anhydrase IX (CA9) as examined by immunohistochemistry.Methods: Herein, we report a clinical instance of ccRCC with hemangioblastoma-like features. A 49-year-old woman presenting with a chief complaint of hematuria underwent a comprehensive and meticulous assessment. Imaging findings indicated the presence of a mass in the right kidney. Subsequently, she underwent a partial nephrectomy.Results: Histopathological analysis of the resected specimen confirmed the presence of ccRCC with hemangioblastoma-like fea-tures. The patient was discharged from the hospital six days post-surgery and could resume her daily activities. During a one-year follow-up after surgery, no signs of recurrence were detected.Conclusions: This case demonstrates the importance of including ccRCC with hemangioblastoma-like features in the differential diagnosis of renal masses in patients with hematuria, and suggests partial nephrectomy as an effective treatment modality for this rare subtype of renal cell carcinoma. However, because of the small number of reported cases and insufficient follow-up time, further investigation is necessary to determine the optimal therapeutic approach and to identify the molecular and genetic characteristics of this tumor.
clear cell renal cell carcinoma,hemangioblastoma,immunohistochemistry
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