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Mixed-Dimensional Van Der Waals Heterostructures for Boosting Electricity Generation

ACS nano(2023)

Cited 1|Views33
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The emerging technology of harvesting environmental energy using hydrovoltaic devices enriches the conversion forms of renewable energy. It provides more concepts for power supply in micro/nano systems, and hydrovoltaic technology with high performance, usability, and integration is essential for achieving sustainable green energy. Comparing the discovery of multiscale nanomaterials, working layers with innovative microstructures have gradually become the dominant trend in the construction of graphene-based hydrovoltaic devices. However, reports on promoting ion/electron redistribution at the solid-liquid interface through the substrate effect of graphene are accompanied by tedious procedures, nondiverse substrates, and monolithic regulation of enhancement mechanisms. Here, the electrophoretic deposition (EPD)-driven SiC whiskers (SiCw)-assisted graphene transfer process is adopted to alleviate the complexity of the device fabrication caused by graphene transfer. The resulting output performance of the graphene/SiCw (GS) mesh films is significantly boosted. The high integrity of graphene and prominent negative surface charge near the graphene-droplet interface are derived from the overlayer and underlayer inside the graphene-based mixed-dimensional van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures, respectively. Additionally, a self-powered desalination-monitoring system is designed based on integrated hydrovoltaic devices. Electricity harvested from the ionic solutions is reused for deionization, representing an efficient strategy for energy conversion and utilization.
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graphene,silicon carbide whiskers,mixed-dimensionalvan der Waals heterostructures,electrophoretic deposition,electricity generation,integrated devices
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