
Stabilized Window for Intravital Imaging of the Murine Pancreas.

Journal of visualized experiments(2023)

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The physiology and pathophysiology of the pancreas are complex. Diseases of the pancreas, such as pancreatitis and pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDAC) have high morbidity and mortality. Intravital imaging (IVI) is a powerful technique enabling the high-resolution imaging of tissues in both healthy and diseased states, allowing for real-time observation of cell dynamics. IVI of the murine pancreas presents significant challenges due to the deep visceral and compliant nature of the organ, which make it highly prone to damage and motion artifacts. Described here is the process of implantation of the Stabilized Window for Intravital imaging of the murine Pancreas (SWIP). The SWIP allows IVI of the murine pancreas in normal healthy states, during the transformation from the healthy pancreas to acute pancreatitis induced by cerulein, and in malignant states such as pancreatic tumors. In conjunction with genetically labeled cells or the administration of fluorescent dyes, the SWIP enables the measurement of single-cell and subcellular dynamics (including single-cell and collective migration) as well as serial imaging of the same region of interest over multiple days. The ability to capture tumor cell migration is of particular importance as the primary cause of cancer-related mortality in PDAC is the overwhelming metastatic burden. Understanding the physiological dynamics of metastasis in PDAC is a critical unmet need and crucial for improving patient prognosis. Overall, the SWIP provides improved imaging stability and expands the application of IVI in the healthy pancreas and malignant pancreas diseases.
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