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Contactless In-Bed Movement in Various Scales Classification with CW Radar

2023 20th European Radar Conference (EuRAD)(2023)

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Continuous wave (CW) radar has been used to detect motions in various scenarios. In this paper, we first present a data-driven method to classify in-bed movement from various scales with CW radar. Data augmentation techniques are used to address the small sample size problem, resulting in a significant improvement of over 10% in accuracy. Three machine learning classifiers, namely random forest, k-nearest neighbor (k-NN), and multilayer perceptron (MLP), are evaluated, with random forest demonstrating the highest accuracy of 81.94% and relative improvement of 22.5% compared to k-NN. The movement sitting up from the bed can be classified with 97.5% accuracy. Additionally, the method can classify two types of movements involving only arm and leg movements, which are not visible to the radar, by detecting small-scale joint movements from the back with an accuracy of 74.8%.
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Key words
continuous wave radar,movement classification,machine learning,data augmentation,feature selection
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