
Precipitation of acute coronary syndrome in an interactive association of oxidative stress biomarkers with soluble receptor for advanced glycation end-products

Journal of Taibah University for Science(2023)

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Background: As a repercussion of oxidative stress, reactive oxygen species augment the biochemical reaction of amino and carbohydrate groups of proteins, thus forming oxidative products known as Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs), associated with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Together, this milieu provokes oxidative stress and promotes the development of ACS.Methods: The studied cohort had 76 ACS individuals and 76 healthy controls. Blood samples of both groups were collected to measure the concentration of AGEs, Malondialdehyde (MDA), and the activity of antioxidants. Levels of lipid profile and inflammatory biomarkers were accessed in the study. The spectrophotometric ELISA kit was used to determine the levels of parameters.Result: The results indicated a significant increase in AGEs, MDA, LDL, and total cholesterol levels. Increased inflammatory markers, Intercellular adhesion molecule 1, and vascular cell adhesion proteins-1 in ACS patients were compared with the control subjects. A decrease is recorded in superoxide dismutase, HDL, and glutathione levels in ACS individuals.Conclusion: Our study demonstrated increased serum concentration of AGEs and several other factors, such as increased oxidative markers and, conversely, reduction in the antioxidant in ACS individuals. Therefore, we conclude these variables can be a potential biomarker in ACS individuals.
Acute coronary syndrome,advanced glycation end products,intercellular adhesion molecule 1,oxidative stress,reactive nitrogen species,receptor for advanced glycation end products
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