
Epichloë Endophyte Enhanced Insect Resistance of Host Grass Leymus Chinensis by Affecting Volatile Organic Compound Emissions

Journal of chemical ecology(2023)

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In plant-herbivore interactions, plant volatile organic compounds (VOCs) play an important role in anti-herbivore defense. Grasses and Epichloë endophytes often form defensive mutualistic symbioses. Most Epichloë species produce alkaloids to protect hosts from herbivores, but there is no strong evidence that endophytes can affect the insect resistance of their hosts by altering VOC emissions. In this study, a native dominant grass, sheepgrass ( Leymus chinensis ), and its herbivore, oriental migratory locust ( Locusta migratoria ), were used as experimental materials. We studied the effect of endophyte-associated VOC emissions on the insect resistance of L. chinensis . The results showed that endophyte infection enhanced insect resistance of the host, and locusts preferred the odor of endophyte-free (EF) leaves to that of endophyte-infected (EI) leaves. We determined the VOC profile of L. chinensis using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS), and found that endophyte infection decreased the pentadecane (an alkane) emission from uneaten plants, and increased the nonanal (an aldehyde) emission from eaten plants. The olfactory response experiment showed that locusts were attracted by high concentration of pentadecane, while repelled by high concentration of nonanal, indicating that Epichloë endophytes may increase locust resistance of L. chinensis by decreasing pentadecane while increasing nonanal emission. Our results suggest that endophytes can induce VOC-mediated defense in hosts in addition to producing alkaloids, contributing to a better understanding the endophyte-plant-herbivore interactions.
Epichloë endophytes,Leymus chinensis,Volatile organic compounds (VOCs),Insect resistance
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