A short review on graphonometric evaluation tools in children
International Conference of the International Graphonomics Society(2024)
Handwriting is a complex task that involves the coordination of motor,
perceptual and cognitive skills. It is a fundamental skill for the cognitive
and academic development of children. However, the technological, and
educational changes in recent decades have affected both the teaching and
assessment of handwriting. This paper presents a literature review of
handwriting analysis in children, including a bibliometric analysis of
published articles, the study participants, and the methods of evaluating the
graphonometric state of children. The aim is to synthesize the state of the art
and provide an overview of the main study trends over the last decade. The
review concludes that handwriting remains a fundamental tool for early
estimation of cognitive problems and early intervention. The article analyzes
graphonometric evaluation tools. Likewise, it reflects on the importance of
graphonometric evaluation as a means to detect possible difficulties or
disorders in learning to write. The article concludes by highlighting the need
to agree on an evaluation methodology and to combine databases.
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Key words
graphonometric evaluation tools,children
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