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Magnetic Circular Dichroism Elucidates Molecular Interactions in Aggregated Chiral Organic Materials.

Angewandte Chemie(2023)

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Chiral materials formed by aggregated organic compounds play a fundamental role in chiral optoelectronics, photonics and spintronics. Nonetheless, a precise understanding of the molecular interactions involved remains an open problem. Here we introduce magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) as a new tool to elucidate molecular interactions and structural parameters of a supramolecular system. A detailed analysis of MCD together with electronic circular dichroism spectra combined to ab initio calculations unveils essential information on the geometry and energy levels of a self‐assembled thin film made of a carbazole di‐bithiophene chiral molecule. This approach can be extended to a generality of chiral organic materials and can help rationalizing the fundamental interactions leading to supramolecular order. This in turn could enable a better understanding of structure–property relationships, resulting in a more efficient material design.
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Chirality,Exciton Interactions,Magnetic Circular Dichroism,Self-Assembly,Thin Films
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