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Networked Radar System: A More Advanced Radar Detection Platform

2023 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Electronics, Information and Computation Technologies (ICFEICT)(2023)

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A review is presented of work on the history of radar development, explaining the current high degree of interest in a more advanced radar detection platform (i.e., a networked radar system). Importantly, the advantages of the proposed networked radar detection system in this paper are also summarized in comparison with the existing multistatic radar system and netted radar system. Moreover, the characteristics of the networked radar detection system with high-speed and high-capacity communication networks are exploited in detail. More specifically, the concept of a radar node as the basic unit of a networked radar system and radar nodes deployment strategies for different detection scenarios are developed for further research. Most importantly, the prior art on the widespread variants in military and civilian fields with respect to the networked radar system are also discussed and investigated in this paper.
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Multistatic radar system,netted radar system,networked radar system,radar nodes deployment strategy,widespread variants
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