
A Priority Control Method for Starting and Stopping Multiple Devices Based on Automatic Control Systems

Yumin Peng,Hao Zhang, Yao Li,Yan Liang, Hangyu Li

2023 3rd International Conference on Energy Engineering and Power Systems (EEPS)(2023)

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Taking a large power plant as an example, control equipment is used for industrial production control system to work externally. The system pressure is maintained and the system liquid level is maintained. In the past, these start-stop logics were customized by the equipment manufacturer according to the specific scenarios, without generality. In industrial production, the control mode, the available status of equipment, and the rotation of equipment priority need to be considered in the design of the control system. In particular, with the increase of equipment involved in startup and shutdown, the control logic of the entire control system will be customized and designed more and more complex. It is easy to make mistakes, which leads to control logic disorder and brings hidden dangers to safety production. According to the control mode, start/stop priority and equipment availability status, the method to obtain the equipment start/stop priority adaptively, is provided in this paper. It provides effective control methods and quantifiable expression methods for the multi-redundant control system composed of multiple equipment. With the increase of control equipment, the control system will not be designed more and more complex.
Industrial production,control mode,start and stop priority,equipment status
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