
Miticidal Activity of Photorhabdus Luminescen S for Controlling Two Spider Mites, Tetranychus Urticae and Tetranychus Kanzawai , in Carica Papaya

Tzay-Tien Hsieh,Ju-Chun Chang,Chienyan Hsieh, Jui-Tang Tseng, Show-Jow Lin, Cheng-Ju Yang,Feng-Chia Hsieh,Yu-Shin Nai


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Photorhabdus luminescens (Enterobacterales: Morganellaceae) is a symbiotic bacterium associated with the entomopathogenic nematode Heterorhabditis brevicaudis (Rhabditida: Heterorhabditidae). In this study, the mite-killing activity of the P. luminescens strain 0805-P2R ( Pl 0805-P2R) was tested against two species of spider mites, the two-spotted spider mite (TSSM), Tetranychus urticae (Trombidiformes: Tetranychidae), and the Kanzawa spider mite (KSM), Tetranychus kanzawai (Trombidiformes: Tetranychidae). The results showed mortality rates of 78.9 and 65.6% for TSSM and KSM, respectively, at seven days post-inoculation (dp.i) with Pl 0805-P2R bacterial cultures. The major pathological effect of Pl 0805-P2R on TSSM and KSM was identified through the tissue looseness found in multiple tissues, demonstrating the pathological effect of Pl 0805-P2R in both species of spider mites. Porin protein was identified as a major protein in the Pl 0805-P2R culture, suggesting a possible effect on spider mites. Field trials of Pl 0805-P2R bacterial suspension concentrate against spider mites in three papaya fields showed that 1/125-fold Pl 0805-P2R treatment had the highest control rates. However, the control rates of 250-fold Pl 0805-P2R were slightly lower than those of 125-fold Pl 0805-P2R without a significant difference. The control rates of 500-fold Pl 0805-P2R and tebufenpyrad 10% wettable powder (WP) treatments were similar. Therefore, 500-fold Pl 0805-P2R could effectively reduce the leaf pest incidences of papaya, and 250-fold Pl 0805-P2R is a promising candidate for field application to control spider mite damage. In conclusion, P. luminescens 0805-P2R is a potent microbial pesticide with bioactivity against insect and mite pests. These findings highlight the potential of P. luminescens as a sustainable and effective control agent in agricultural systems.
Economic crops,Biological Acari control,Histopathological effect,Porin protein,Carica papaya field trials
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