
Spatial Controls on the Generation of Low-Δ18o Basalts on São Miguel, Azores


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Volcanism in the Azores is generally accepted to result from the decompression melting in the upper mantle associated with the Azorean plume. Basalts on the island of Sa similar to o Miguel have been previously recognised as having 818O values lower than MORB with different authors ascribing this low-818O signature to either a component within the plume itself or as the result of assimilation of crustal materials at shallow level. Here we assess these contrasting models by using a suite of samples that are both geographically and temporally spread. We find that while low-818O mafic magmas (reaching 4.98 %o) do occur on Sa similar to o Miguel, they are spatially restricted to the Picos fissure system, between the central volcanoes of Sete Cidades and Fogo. Basalts of similar age from outside this restricted region return 818O values that are similar to MORB. This spatial constraint argues that the source of the observed low-818O signature is within the crust rather than a component of the plume. Previous studies on mafic to intermediate rocks of the Picos fissure system have identified the assimilation of broadly syenitic lithologies, which were found as co-erupted lithic clasts at the Fogo volcano and may have 818O values as low as 2.6 %o. However, trace element geochemistry indicates that these lithologies have not been assimilated within our low-818O samples, a more likely assimilant is altered oceanic crust or mafic lavas within the island edifice.
Azores,O isotopes,Assimilation,Ocean island,Basalt
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