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Storytelling for Translational Research Impact

Sarah T. Gonzalez,Ying‐Hsang Liu,Sue Yeon Syn,Stephann Makri, Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Lisa M. Given,Jenna Hartel,Kate McDowell

Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology(2023)

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ABSTRACT Translational research converts research knowledge into practical wisdom for a community (What is Translational Research, n.d.). Storytelling for translational research means that the researcher knows the audience, crafts a narrative, sticks to the plot, and imparts wisdom in a meaningful way – all elements of a good story from a good storyteller. In this hybrid panel and workshop, led by Stephann Makri and other members of the ASIS&T Research Engagement Committee, our successful researchers/storytellers will illustrate how a good translational research impact story is structured. Then, our storytelling experts will help participants craft their own research narratives to put translational research storytelling into practice for their own research stories. Dr. Kate McDowell, panelist and storytelling expert, teaches both storytelling and data storytelling courses, and is the 2022 recipient of the ASIS&T Outstanding Information Science Teacher Award. She states: “When research successfully translates into legislative or policy changes, it always comes down to a shared narrative experience. The story emerges in the dynamic interaction between the teller and the audience.” The aim of this session is to create confident storytellers.
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