Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment(2022)
Spectral clustering is one of the most advantageous clustering approaches. However, standard Spectral Clustering is sensitive to noisy input data and has a high runtime complexity. Tackling one of these problems often exacerbates the other. As real-world datasets are often large and compromised by noise, we need to improve both robustness and runtime at once. Thus, we propose Spectral Clustering - Accelerated and Robust (SCAR), an accelerated, robustified spectral clustering method. In an iterative approach, we achieve robustness by separating the data into two latent components: cleansed and noisy data. We accelerate the eigendecomposition - the most time-consuming step - based on the Nyström method. We compare SCAR to related recent state-of-the-art algorithms in extensive experiments. SCAR surpasses its competitors in terms of speed and clustering quality on highly noisy data.
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