
Rapid Generation of a Macroscopic Schrödinger Cat State of Atoms with Parity-Independent Orientation

OSTI OAI (U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information)(2022)

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We show that using the process of one-axis-twist squeezing in an echo configuration, it is possible to control the orientation of the macroscopic magnetic moment of a large number of atoms by manipulating the quantum state of a single atom that is physically isolated from the ensemble. With this control technique, it is also possible to entangle an ensemble with a single atom deterministically, which mimics the thought experiment known as the Schr\"odinger cat. In addition, this technique would make it possible to generate a mesoscopic Schr\"odinger cat state for a large number of atoms far more rapidly that the conventional process for generating such a state, with an orientation that is independent of the parity of the number of atoms. Apart from the echo configuration, we have also investigated the behavior of one-axis-twist squeezing for some special values of the squeezing parameter. We find that the squeezing propagator can be expressed as the sum of n rotation operators if the product of n and the squeezing parameter equals pi, where n is a non-zero integer. A direct consequence of this property of one-axis-twist squeezing is that there is a hidden order in a squeezed state generated under this condition even if its Husimi quasi-probability distribution looks irregular.
macroscopic schrödinger cat state,atoms,parity-independent
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