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Integrated Sensing and Backscatter Communication

IEEE Wireless Communications Letters(2023)

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Researchers are challenging the traditional approach to network design by exploring the integration of communication and sensing capabilities. In line with this trend, we present an innovative system called the Integrated Sensing and Backscatter Communication (ISABC) system and evaluate its performance. This system comprises a full-duplex base station (BS), a backscatter tag, and a user. The tag reflects the BS transmitted signal and provides data to the user. The BS extracts environmental information from the same signal. We provide closed-form expressions for the user and tag communication rates, as well as the sensing rate at the BS. Our study also offers comprehensive numerical performance results and simulation examples. We specifically investigate the impact of BS power allocation on communication and sensing. For example, a communication rate of 11.30bps/Hz at the user and a sensing rate of 3.63bps/Hz at the BS are possible with 20dBm and 60% power split. Our work provides valuable insights into the potential of ISABC systems and highlights the importance of optimizing their performance through power allocation.
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Backscatter communication (BackCom),integrated sensing and communication (ISAC),passive tags
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